Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Return To Blogging

It's been a long time, Internet. A very long time, indeed. It seems only yesterday that I cursed you, cut you out of my life, sent you packing Gloria Gaynor-style. I thought I would never again wander into the mire of weblogs, that chorus of cacophony maintained solely by my least favorite demographic : my own.

But the fates have spun my thread tightly around a T1 line, and I feel only certain doom can await.

My unhallowed return to the weblogging community is being spurred by my roommate, Chaz. He seems to think that, between the four of us in this suite, we can scrape a flake of meaning off of the ball-sacks that are our lives. Our oblivious friend, Vladimir, has warmed to the task already, though it can be assumed that he does not fully understand what is going on; there's a good chance he'll simply forget to keep posting. Not that his life is very interesting.

Not that mine is either, but.... well, his writing leaves grammar to be desired.
Tip to all incoming freshmen : Before befriending a foriegn student, carefully monitor their ability to use the language of this nation.

That is all.


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