Saturday, August 27, 2005


Betrayed by my own townsfolk..... is there no such thing as loyalty? Brotherhood?

I woke up, I said goodbye, I drove to Alan's house. Everything was going great, then, twenty minutes into our drive, I hear a sound I thought I would never hear: WOOP-WOOOP went the police car, and "Aww fuck!" went the Alfonzo.

82 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. My first ticket for anything, and he wouldn't let me off with a warning. Eighty-two!! I had not yet begun to speed! That fool, if he had only waited another twenty minutes, it would have be a 37 MPH violation, instead of a piddling 17. Cobb County, I spit on you and your law enforcement. Perhaps if you had been "design"ed more "intelligent"ly, you would know that I was not speeding; I was warming up.

To add to that, this is Alan's first time in the passenger seat of my chariot, so he gets a completely skewed view of my driving abilities. He tells me that maybe we should switch, for the first leg of the trip, so I could have time to cool off. I cranked the A/C and said I was cool enough, then crawled out of Georgia at 65 before blasting through Tennessee at 80.

Kentucky and Illinois saw triple digits.

Fuck you, Cobb County.

Fuck the police.

That is all.


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