Thursday, July 06, 2006

Alfonzo At The Movies

I don't know if I've got the gag reflex suppressed enough to ever make this a regular thing, but my most recent perusal of the movie trailers on Apple's website has stirred me into action.

Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles
I understand that it's difficult to translate excitement, or even a sense of depth, but I can't help but feel that "Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles" sounds like the most boring movie ever made; even more boring than Citizen Kane (what? I said it!). I watched the trailer, and it looks like it might be a pretty good movie. I don't see foreign films often, but if I'm in the mood for one and RAFTOM is on the marquis, I'm in.

Blackballed : The Bobby Dukes Story
Yes, from the people who brought you Anchorman : The Legend Of Ron Burgandy and Talladega Nights : The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby comes another terrible movie; only this time, there's no budget. Let us all pray that there will be no more (Catchy Title) : (Synonym For Story) Of (Character Name) movies.

The Last Kiss
From the moment I saw the Calvin Klein-esque picture of Zach Braff, I was worried. Could it be a spoof? Some sort of farce on The Gap, CK and Abercrombie's mannequin models? A redemption of Zoolander? The trailer loaded and I found myself watching The O.C.. Well, not exactly, but something that looked an awful lot like it. Just as I'd converged upon the haunting familiarity of the film's style, whose broad face should show up but Rachel Bilson's. Case and point.

But that's enough of that.

I saw her again, today, out on the oak walk between Rebstock and the library. She was walking towards Mallinckrodt with her little skeletal friend (I mean, I've been attracted to skeletal girls before, but it wasn't for the sake of them being skeletal), so I followed suit and got to piggyback on their conversation. A little strange, and occasionally referencing contexts I could not draw from, but informative all the same.

That is all.


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